Why Did Lily Philips Sleep with Over 100 Men in One Day? Her Tearful Story

Lily Philips, one of the biggest stars on OnlyFans, looked like she was about to cry after spending a day with over 100 men.

She was being filmed for a documentary called ‘I Slept With 100 Men in One Day.’ This 40-minute video shows what happened leading up to the day and how it turned out.

The filmmaker, Josh Pieters, walks into the bedroom of the Airbnb where the 14-hour event took place. He struggles with the smell and the mess of the room.

As the crew focuses on Lily’s face, Pieters asks her how she feels.

“It’s not easy for girls who are weak, honestly – it was tough,” she says, holding back tears. “I don’t know if I would suggest it. It’s a strange feeling. It’s just one guy after another; it feels really intense.”

Pieters asks her if it was more intense than she expected.

Lily gets more emotional as she answers, barely managing to say ‘definitely’ before going into another room.

Lily tried to share her feelings, saying, “I had to end things quickly, and you have to be firm and say, ‘I’m sorry, but you have to leave.’”

She continued, “It felt awkward when I felt like I had to help them finish. If I didn’t spend enough time with them, I worried they didn’t have a good experience.”

“It’s tough when they say things like, ‘You’re not going to help me finish? I came all this way,’ as if they’re trying to make me feel guilty,” she added.

Philips remarked, “This isn’t like regular sex. I can only remember a few guys, maybe five, six, or ten, and that’s all. It feels strange.”

You might think that after being with so many men in a short time, Lily would never want to do that again based on her feelings, but the OnlyFans star says she wants to go even further.

At the end of the documentary, Philips tells Pieters that she wants to try breaking a record by sleeping with 1,000 men in one day.

Lily has become more popular lately after teaming up with another OnlyFans model, Bonnie Blue, to sleep with about 80 men together in just one day.

Philips also shared that her TikTok videos about sleeping with many men daily make her a lot of money each month, and it looks like she plans to keep doing this for a while based on what she told Pieters at the end of the documentary.

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