MSBSHSE, Pune has released the Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2020. The Board has sent a circular to the respective schools. Now, the schools are responsible to provide the MSBHSE 12th Admit Card 2020 to the students. The stamp has to be printed on the admit card by the principals or by the head clerk. The board has released the admit card online on the official website i.e. They will have to enter their school details in the login window to download MSBHSE HSC Admit Card 2020.
Latest: Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2020 is available now. The school principals can download it from the official website.
MSBHSE 12th Admit Card 2020
Here in this section, Maharashtra board students will get the dates of admit card and exams. Students must note that these dates are according to the official announcement. Kindly, refer to the table provided here:
Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2020 | Important Dates |
Availability of Admit cards | Released |
The beginning of the Exams | Feb 2020 |
Admit Card: The Principals can Download Maharashtra HSC Science Arts Commerce Hall Ticket 2020 from the official website:
To Downlaod the Maharashtra HSC Time Table 2020: Click Here
Procedure to Download the MAHA 12th Admit Card 2020
Students who are going to appear for the exams will get their admit card from the respective schools. So, the school officials have to follow the procedure which we have briefed in the section below.
1st Step- Visit the official website i.e. to download the Maharashtra Board HSC 12th Science Arts Commerce Hall Ticket 2020.
2nd Step- hit the Maharashtra Board HSC 12th Science Arts Commerce Admit Card 2020 link available in the latest news section on the homepage.
3rd Step-After hitting the link, a login window will appear where you have to enter your school details.
4th Step- After entering the details, submit them and the list of admit card will pop up on the screen.
5th Step- At last, check the details and download the MSBHSE HSC Science Arts Commerce Hall Ticket 2020.
Details on the Maharashtra HSC Hall Ticket 2020
If you don’t know that which type of details your card consist then look at the list of contents given below to end up your anxiety.
- Name of the Board
- Name of the examination
- Photograph of the candidate
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Roll Number
- Registration Number
- Name of the Candidate
- School Code
- School Name
- Centre Code
- Centre Name
- Important Instructions
- Signature of officials
- Exam Time Table